Francisca Ortiz Ruiz presenta en los Ciclos de Estudios sobre Familia, de la Universidad Finis Terrae. CEAS | Universidad Mayor

05 julio 2024

Francisca Ortiz Ruiz presenta en la Conferencia Mundial de Redes Sociales Sunbelt 2024.

La investigadora presentó avances del Fondecyt en el que es Co-Investigadora sobre las redes personales y de capital social de mujeres cuidadoras en Chile.

Entre los días lunes 24 y domingo 30 de julio, 2024 se realizó la Conferencia Mundial de la International Network for Social Network Analysis. En este marco, Francisca Ortiz presento su ponencia titulada “Social capital in personal networks literature: A systematic review”.

Además de eso, Francisca participó en otros roles durante la conferencia:

  • Organizadora del “Social gathering for Early and Middle Career Researchers EMCRs”.
  • Chair con José Luis Molina e Isidro Maya Jariego de la sesión “REDES panel: promoting collaboration and new studies in the community”
  • Elegida DEI Co-officer at the Board meeting of the International Netowkr for Social Network Analysis.
  • Organizadora del “Social gathering for the REDES community”

Su ponencia en particular se tituló “Redes de cuidado y soporte de personas mayores: una aproximación relacional desde métodos mixtos.”


How are concept defined is key to any research, as that may have impact on the methodological approach used, and therefore, the results obtained. With that purpose, it has been made a systematic review of social capital in the network’s community. It was selected six journals of the community, Social Networks, Connections, Journal of Social Structure, Network Science, and Applied Network Science.

It was revised 79 articles in total. The systematic review results are divided by two: 1) meta-analysis, and 2) content of the article. In the second part, it was analysed information about the theoretical approach, how social capital was defined, measured approach, collection information, type of analysis, results obtained, limitations identified and future research.

This presentation is part of the project ANID Fondecyt Regular nº1230437 (2023-2027). Its main objective is to study the changes in the personal networks and social capital of women caregivers of an older dependent parent in Santiago, Chile; and its impact on their subjective well-being, physical and mental health.


Social capital, networks, personal networks, systematic review.


Francisca Ortiz Ruiz, Millennium Institute for Care Research (MICARE).

Beatriz Fernández, P. Universidad Católica de Chile.

Carolina Cornejo, P. Universidad Católica de Chile.

Soledad Herrera, P. Universidad Católica de Chile.

Herminia Gonzálvez, Universidad Central.

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