Investigador CEAS participa del 5to Congreso Regional de Economistas Agrarios en Montevideo, Uruguay CEAS | Universidad Mayor

08 mayo 2023

Investigador CEAS participa del 5to Congreso Regional de Economistas Agrarios en Montevideo, Uruguay

Dr. Rodrigo Pérez presentó la ponencia titulada "The cultural and gender context in territorial development: Excluded communities and access to scarce resources"

El académico Rodrigo Pérez Silva participó del 6to Congreso Regional de Economistas Agrarios entre el 19 y el 21 de abril de 2023, donde participó de la mesa organizada por el Núcleo Milenio CEDIT. Su presentación, titulada "The cultural and gender context in territorial development: Excluded communities and access to scarce resources" entregó información sobre la necesidad de mejorar las políticas públicas aplicadas a los territorios y mostró resultados del estudio sobre escaséz hídrica y pueblos originarios que actualmente lleva a cabo.

Sobre la conferencia

The Argentinean, Chilean, and Uruguayan Agricultural Economics Associations along with the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) are delighted to invite you to the 2nd Inter-Conference Symposium, the 6to Congreso Regional de Economía Agraria and the 1st Latin-American Workshop on Productivity and Efficiency. These joint Meetings will take place on April 19-21, 2023, in Montevideo, Uruguay.

The overall theme is: “THE ROLE OF THE AGRIBUSINESS SECTOR IN THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF LATIN AMERICAN ECONOMIES.” However, Abstracts focusing on broader agricultural economics, sustainability and productivity topics are welcome.

This collaborative effort seeks to provide an expanded regional network for agricultural economists from all over Latin America focusing on the sustainable development of our rural economies. Providing a platform for discussion, exchange, and networking, we are seeking to strengthen the profession throughout the region.

The regional associations of agricultural economics in collaboration with the IAAE , invite all their members to submit abstracts. We plan to publish a special issue of Agribusiness: An International Journal with a selection of the best papers presented focusing on agribusiness topics.

The recently formed International Society for Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (ISEAPA), affiliated with the Journal of Productivity Analysis (JPA), also encourages its Founding Members and regular membership to participate in these meetings. The authors of the best papers presented related to Latin American efficiency and productivity will be invited by ISEAPA to submit a paper for possible publication in a Special issue of the JPA.

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