[Seminario] Labor Market Pooling and Job Outcomes of Displaced Workers por Orsa Kekezi CEAS | Universidad Mayor

07 septiembre 2020

[Seminario] Labor Market Pooling and Job Outcomes of Displaced Workers por Orsa Kekezi

Seminario se llevará a cabo el día 11 de septiembre a las 11 hrs.

El Centro de Economía y Políticas Sociales (CEAS) y el Doctorado en Políticas Públicas de la Universidad Mayor, tienen el agrado de invitar a usted al seminario académico titulado Labor Market Pooling and Job Outcomes of Displaced Workers, conducido por Orsa Kekezi (Jönköping University), el día viernes 11 de septiembre de 2020, a las 11:00 hrs.

About this research

Theoretical arguments regarding labor market pooling go back to Marshall, but empirical evidence on the topic is scarce. This paper studies how labor market pooling, calculated as regional concentrations of employment in related industries and related occupations, affects the job outcomes of displaced workers. Using matched employer-employee data for displaced workers between 2003-2009 in Sweden, the results show that labor market pooling facilitates the probability that the new job matches the industry- and occupation-specific skills of the displaced workers. The estimations also indicate that working in regions where there is a large pool of related occupations increases the probability of workers getting a higher-skilled job than before the displacement. However, concentrations of related industries lower the chances of workers getting a higher-skilled job than before.

IMPORTANTE: La presentación será en idioma inglés y no contará con traducción simultánea.

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Centro de Economía y Políticas Sociales, U. Mayor

José Toribio Medina 38, Santiago

+56 22518 9709|ceas@umayor.cl