Zonas de sacrificio a zonas de recuperación socioambiental: construcción participativa de criterios de gobernanza ambiental y bienestar en las bahías-puerto de Huasco, Puchuncaví-Quintero y Coronel, Chile CIAH | Universidad Mayor

From areas of sacrifice to areas of environmental recuperation

FONDECYT project Nº 1191269, about the participative construction of environmental governance criteria and wellbeing in the port-bays of Huasco, Puchuncaví-Quintero and Coronel, Chile

This FONDECYT project, led by Paola Bolados (U. Valparaíso), also includes the participation of CEAS Professor, Mayarí Castillo, as a co-researcher.

The research project aims to analyze the conditions that favour the conformation of sacrifice zones as key expressions of socioecological inequalities, as well as the cases of transition to "recovery zones", via the establishment of participative governance criteria and wellbeing, whose goals are the proposal of indicators of socioenvironmental poberty in the port-bays, places where these degraded zones are located, and oficially known as "sacrifice zones".

Participating Researchers

PhD in Sociology, Lateinamerika–Institut, Freie Universität Berlin

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Centro de Economía y Políticas Sociales, U. Mayor

José Toribio Medina 29

+56 22518 9709|ceas@umayor.cl