Aldo Madariaga gana dos concursos consecutivos CIAH | Universidad Mayor
01 October 2019

Aldo Madariaga wins two consecutive contest

These are the contests for projects promoted by FONDECYT and CONICYT in collaboration with the Max Planck Society

The CEAS Professor, Aldo Madariaga, was one of the winners of the research funds offered by the FONDECYT Initiation Project Contest 2019, in addition to also winning a fund and a collaboration with the Max Planck Society of Germany, being the creator of one of the winning projects of the Contest for Joint Research Projects CONICYT - Max Planck Society 2019.

The winning projects of the contests respectively were: "The Politics of Skills Formation in Latin America: The Role of Business and Coordinating Institutions in Technical Education", a comparative investigation between Chile and Brazil, where Chile has a low participation of entrepreneurs in the link with technical and productive education, something negative considering the level of involvement of companies in developed countries to promote the skills of technical education students. And "Wither democratic capitalism? Studying current transformations, struggles, and imaginaries of the future economy in Europe and Latin America", which proposes a joint investigation with the Max Plank society about the great transformations that affect and create crises in various aspects of society, such as the economic system, climate change, inequalities, and democracy that is losing citizen participation and acquires leaders populists.

Aldo Madariaga appreciates these great opportunities and considers the importance for him and the Universidad Mayor of “being able to be linked to those networks of scientists and people who are the most important in each area of ​​knowledge”, referring to the collaboration with Max Planck.

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