CEAS' Director, Claudia Sanhueza, was interviewed by several media outlets about the national strike in the International Women's Day, organized by the feminist movement "March 8th". She spoke about a variety of subjects, with an emphasyis on gender analysis applied to labor, development, innovation and social movements. You can check her interventions here:
- Interview in Radio Concierto: http://bit.ly/2EYy2At
- Interview in Emol TV: http://bit.ly/2TpnZgE
- Interview in Canal 24 Horas: http://bit.ly/2NNWtDm
- Interview in Radio Cooperativa: http://bit.ly/2He8GB0
CEAS' dierctor and researchers, Claudia Sanhueza, Mayarí Castillo and Alejandra Vásquez, also dialogued with the events of #8M communicating their research results, highlighting the importance of gender studies for society:
- Claudia Sanhueza (gender gaps on time poverty and political participation): http://bit.ly/2UwSqy6, http://bit.ly/2VSOLe9
- Mayarí Castillo (gender on socioecological inequalities): http://bit.ly/2NVBNtm
- Alejandra Vásquez (gender gaps on socially responsible consumption): http://bit.ly/2NUC3J9