Francisca Ortiz Ruiz fue invitada a presentar su investigación en BIGSSS, Bremen, Alemania. CEAS | Universidad Mayor

14 May 2024

Francisca Ortiz Ruiz fue invitada a presentar su investigación en BIGSSS, Bremen, Alemania.

La investigadora presentó en el marco del Social Sciences Lecture Series

Francisca Ortiz Ruiz presentó el pasado miércoles 8 de mayo, 2024, su resultados de su investigación titulada “Social support and care networks of older people in Chile” (Link: Esto fue en el marco de los Social Sciences Lectures Series, que se realizan en el BIGSSS Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences, en la Universidad de Bremen, Alemania.

Resumen de la ponencia: This research seeks to understand older people's care and support networks in Santiago de Chile. This study aims to identify/describe older people's care (perceived) and support (experienced) networks, emphasizing gender and age inequalities. In addition, it will evaluate the relevance of the time elapsed in maintaining older people's care and support networks. This presentation will be drawn on fieldwork in a community centre between May and September 2022 in three different waves of interviews. Then, information was collected about the complete network inside the community centre; and their ego networks outside the institution. In this presentation, I will share the first exploration of this data divided into two main aspects. First is the theoretical and methodological approach to the care and social support concepts from a network perspective. Secondly, it will explore the care and support networks of older people. Finally, it will focus on the friendship networks of the participants, to evaluate how relevant is the changes through time during the waves collected.

Durante la visita, Francisca también tuvo la oportunidad de reunirse con otros investigadores, además de compartir con la estudiante de doctorado Catalina Ganga León (supervisada por la investigadora del CEAS).

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