Francisca Ortiz Ruiz presentó en la Conferencia Mundial de Métodos Mixtos. CEAS | Universidad Mayor

24 July 2024

Francisca Ortiz Ruiz presentó en la Conferencia Mundial de Métodos Mixtos.

En esta conferencia, tuvo la opción de conversar con destacados expertos en esta temática, en especial sobre las aproximaciones usadas en la recolección de datos.

Durante el jueves 11 y el viernes 12 de julio se llevó a cabo la Conferencia Mundial de Métodos Mixtos en Jamaica. Este evento académico contó con una gran diversidad de exponentes en el campo, además de ser en formato híbrido, lo que permitió la partición de distintos investigadores alrededor del mundo. En este contexto, Francisca Ortiz Ruiz presentó el pasado viernes 12 en la sesión “Aproximaciones de métodos mixtos a la recolección de datos”.

Su presentación titulada “Recovering ego’s memories: Some reflections from collecting personal networks with life histories.”, fue sobre reflexiones desde el campo de investigación de métodos mixtos, en torno a la recolección de datos. Esta instancia permitió a Francisca entablar canales de comunicaciones con expertos a nivel mundial de la comunidad de métodos mixtos, además de potenciar posibles colaboraciones a largo plazo.

A continuación dejamos el resumen de esta investigación:


During 2019 and 2021, I studied the personal networks of older people from a mixed method approach in two different researches. The first one, aims to understand older people used their social support network to cope with their pensions. While the second study, focus on understanding the dynamics trough time of the care and social support networks of older people in a specific setting, as it is a community center. In the first research, there were collected information from 30 older women and men living in Santiago, Chile by 2019. A similar procedure was followed in the second research during 2021, although in three waves of data collected. Then, the main questions is which are the main challenges of doing research with ageing population from a mixed methods perceptive? The results are going to be presented reflections about the process, including ideas around using a computer during data collection, interview guide, strategies that helps or makes difficult for ego to remember, and other lessons learned from a fieldwork constructing personal networks. Some tools can actually “active” memories, giving us more content or a detailed description of what we are looking for; specially if we invest time in people. How we ask questions; how we behave before, during and after an interview; how we approach; all impact results and any applications that our research could have afterwards. All of that can have implications for future researchers, and then, for future public policies based on those results.

Keywords: Visualizations, data collection, social networks analysis, ego networks, life histories.

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