[Seminario] “On the effect of school schedule on female labor outcomes”, por Marcela Perticara (UAH) CEAS | Universidad Mayor

14 July 2021

[Seminario] “On the effect of school schedule on female labor outcomes”, por Marcela Perticara (UAH)

Seminario se realizará este jueves 15 de julio a las 12:00pm

El Centro de Economía y Políticas Sociales (CEAS) y el Doctorado en Políticas Públicas de la Universidad Mayor, tienen el agrado de invitar a usted al seminario académico online titulado “On the effect of school schedule on female labor outcomes”, por Marcela Perticara de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado (co-autora Claudia Martínez), este jueves 15 de julio a las 12hrs.

Sobre la investigación:

This paper examines the effect of the time children spend in school on female labor supply. Using the variation on the school length extension in Chile, we investigate whether having kids with more coordinated school schedules might lead to better labor outcomes of mothers of school-age children. In line with the literature, we find that mothers of kids with longer daily schedules show stronger labor outcomes. Furthermore, having children with more compatible schedules matters the most. The more and more synchronized hours all the children in the household are taken care of at school, the better the labor outcomes.

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