Meta-project on time poverty CEAS | Universidad Mayor

Meta-project on time poverty

CEAS' collective research project

The time-poverty meta-project is one of CEAS' collective research projects.

One of the most important aspects of CEAS as a research center is its multidisciplinarity. This meta-project posits a number of different investigations that are centered around time poverty, viewed from different methodological and theoretical frameworks, and that take advantage of the diverse backgrounds of the center's researchers.

Some of the topics that are being addressed are:

  • Gender gaps in time poverty (towards a feminist model of time poverty)
  • Time poverty philosophy
  • Relational goods and inequality in well-being using time use data

Participating Researchers

PhD in Economics, Cambridge University

PhD in Sociology, Lateinamerika–Institut, Freie Universität Berlin

PhD in Engineering Systems, Universidad de Chile

Phd in Economics, Universidad de Cagliari

Istock 913969536


Centro de Economía y Políticas Sociales, U. Mayor

José Toribio Medina 29

+56 22518 9709|